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26 Interesting Nurse Practitioner Facts

If you’re exploring a career in healthcare or just seeking more knowledge about the medical field, you might be curious about the role of a nurse practitioner (NP). As you dive into the realm of NPs, there are numerous interesting facts about nurse practitioners that can provide insights into this profession. Whether it’s about their education, professional practices, earnings, or other unique aspects, a wealth of information is available online. However, some intriguing facts may not be readily available in conventional guides. This article compiles 26 interesting facts about nurse practitioners that could benefit your career planning or satisfy your curiosity.


(Here Are 26 Interesting Facts about Nurse Practitioners You Should Know.)

  1. Full Practice Rights: Interesting nurse practitioner facts reveal that 26 states grant full practice rights to NPs, following the National Academy of Medicine’s recommendations. The continuous debates on the scope of practice and regulation of NPs between physicians and nursing organizations make this fact particularly intriguing.
  2. Most Restrictive State: Although several states limit NPs’ scope of practice, Florida is notorious for its stringent restrictions.
  3. Dual Certifications: While deciding your population focus is a necessity in NP school; you’re not confined to one choice. Many NPs pursue a second certification later, with some institutions offering dual certifications right from the start.
  4. The inception of the NP Program: The first NP educational program, established in 1965 at the University of Colorado, was a pediatric NP program developed by Dr. Loretta Ford and Dr. Henry Silva.
  5. Dedicated Academic Journal: The Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners (JAANP), started in 1989, symbolizes a significant step towards recognizing the NP career path.
  6. Median salary: In 2019, the median annual salary for NPs was $110,000, indicating a competitive earning potential in this field.
  7. NP Population in the US: The American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP) reports more than 290,000 NPs currently practicing in the United States, demonstrating the popularity of this career.
  8. Hospital Privileges: As of 2018, 41.7% of full-time NPs had hospital privileges, which permit them to admit, treat, or conduct procedures on patients in certain hospitals.
  9. Prescriptive Rights: All 50 states and Washington D.C. grant prescriptive rights to NPs, but the extent of these rights may vary state by state.
  10. Malpractice Rates: NPs have a low malpractice rate, aligning with their reputation as one of the most trusted professions.
  11. Patient Load: Interestingly, 57.4% of NPs see three or more patients per hour, indicating the high patient load they manage.
  12. Primary Care Focus: In 2019, over 89% of NPs were trained in primary care, with family nurse practitioners (FNPs) making up the majority.
  13. Annual Patient Numbers: NPs attend to over 1.06 billion patients annually in the United States, underlining their significant role in national healthcare.
  14. Medicare and Medicaid Acceptance: 83% of NPs accept Medicare, and 80% accept Medicaid, indicating their contribution to bridging healthcare gaps.
  15. Education Requirements: All NPs hold at least a master’s degree, with many pursuing a Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP).
  16. Reduced Emergency Visits: Patients under NPs’ care in primary care have fewer unnecessary ER visits, shorter hospital stays, and lower healthcare costs.
  17. Quality of Care: Research consistently shows that NPs provide care comparable to physicians, with no significant difference in patient outcomes.
  18. Scope of Practice: NPs are skilled in assessing, diagnosing, and treating patients using pharmacological methods, lifestyle adjustments, and certain procedures. They can conduct detailed patient histories and physical examinations and order diagnostic tests.
  19. Patient Satisfaction: Patient satisfaction rates with NPs are high, with two-thirds of patients expressing a desire for greater access to NP services.
  20. Diverse Backgrounds: Nurse practitioners often come from various walks of life, bringing unique experiences that enrich their approach to patient care.
  21. Holistic Care: Nurse practitioners emphasize holistic care, considering all aspects of a patient’s well-being when providing treatment.
  22. Nursing First: Before becoming a nurse practitioner, one must first become a registered nurse, although working experience as a nurse isn’t always necessary.
  23. Advanced Practice Roles: Nurse practitioners fall under the umbrella of advanced practice nurses or advanced practice registered nurses, along with clinical nurse specialists, certified registered nurse anesthetists, and certified nurse midwives.
  24. International History: Evidence suggests that the first advanced practice nurses, trained in England, were working as early as 1890, though the first US educational program was developed decades later.
  25. Average Age: The average age of NPs in the United States is 43.7 years old, demonstrating a wide range of experience levels within the profession.
  26. Highest Paying Industry: Psychiatric and substance abuse hospitals pay nurse practitioners the highest average salary, at $153,426 per year.

In Conclusion

Whether you’re an aspiring nurse practitioner, a current one, or simply someone intrigued by the profession, these 28 interesting facts about nurse practitioners offer a comprehensive overview of the field. From exciting insights into earnings and the inaugural NP program to more sobering realities about gender and racial diversity, understanding these facts can help you navigate the dynamic NP landscape. As the field continues to evolve, staying informed about the changes is crucial for making informed decisions.



  1. “Scope of Practice for Nurse Practitioners.” American Association of Nurse Practitioners, https://www.aanp.org/advocacy/advocacy-resource/position-statements/scope-of-practice-for-nurse-practitioners.

  2. “Florida’s NPs Continue to Face the Nation’s Most Restrictive Practice Environment.” The National Law Review, https://www.natlawreview.com/article/florida-s-nps-continue-to-face-nation-s-most-restrictive-practice-environment.

  3. “Nurse Practitioner Certification: Everything You Need to Know.” Nurse.org, https://nurse.org/resources/nurse-practitioner-certification/.

  4. “The History of Nurse Practitioners in the United States.” Minority Nurse,  https://minoritynurse.com/the-history-of-nurse-practitioners-in-the-united-states/.

  5. “The Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners.” Wiley Online Library, https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/17456785.

  6. “Nurse Practitioners.” Bureau of Labor Statistics, https://www.bls.gov/ooh/healthcare/nurse-anesthetists-nurse-midwives-and-nurse-practitioners.htm.

  7. “Nurse Practitioner FAQs.” American Association of Nurse Practitioners, https://www.aanp.org/all-about-nps/np-faqs.

  8. “Patient Satisfaction with Nurse Practitioners in Primary Healthcare: A Systematic Review.” BMJ Open, https://bmjopen.bmj.com/content/7/8/e014473.